General Mills: Pink for the Cure
"During the month of October in grocery retailers nationwide, General Mills brands will turn their packages pink to support October’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Komen for the Cure. Brands going Pink for the Cure include Cheerios, Total Raisin Bran, Total Honey Nut Clusters, Green Giant, Progresso Soup, Betty Crocker Warm Delights, Betty Crocker cookie mixes, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper and Betty Crocker Potatoes. Komen for the Cure will receive $2 million for the Pink for the Cure program."
In addition, General Mills supports PinkTogether.com, which collects women's stories about their experience with breast cancer.

Better Homes and Gardens: limited edition cookbook Celebrating the Promise
In October 2007, Better Homes and Gardens will release “Celebrating the Promise,” a new cookbook commemorating Komen for the Cure’s 25th year as a leader in the movement to save lives and end breast cancer forever. The company will make a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 in conjunction with the new book, which will feature a 64-page special section dedicated to women’s health, new recipes and anecdotes from celebrity chefs, including Paula Deen and Sara Moulton.
Parent company Meredith Corporation supports breast cancer awareness programs including QuiltPink and ScrapPink, inspirational collection"Words for the Cure," and in November, "Read for the Cure" magazine subscriptions.
HSN: Home Shopping Network supports Komen for the Cure
From October 1 through October 31, 2007, HSN will sell various items to benefit Komen live on the air and on www.hsn.com. The retail sales price and benefit to Komen varies per product, and HSN will make a $250,000 minimum guaranteed donation through this initiative. HSN will also solicit donations from viewers throughout the month of October, and 100% of the funds collected will be donated to Komen. For a complete product listing and more information, visit www.hsn.com, keyword search “pink”.
Payless ShoeSource: Taking Steps to Fight Breast Cancer
"Payless ShoeSource will continue its Taking Steps to Fight Breast Cancer program by selling breast cancer awareness bracelets and limited-edition pink ribbon slippers. One hundred percent of the net profits earned from the sale of the bracelet and $1.30 from the sale of each pair of slippers will be donated to Komen for the Cure with a minimum guaranteed donation of $100,000. The products will be available for purchase in Payless ShoeSource stores nationwide and on www.payless.com beginning September 27 and continuing through February 28, 2008."
Happy shopping!~
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