Saturday, September 1, 2007


Today a great friend invited me to a Women's Bible Study Breakfast at her church. The message was on depression and how to recover from the heavy cloud of depression using God's word and truth. The speaker made a point that when you are clouded by depression it is easy to feel like you're the only one with troubles. This is simply paraphrased, but what I took from it is that we all have crosses to bear, which we must find ways in God's strength and plan to carry.

She referenced the book of Job, in which he endured tragedy and basically fell into a depression, feeling that even his own existence was a mistake. In the end, God showed Job how even his small life was part of the beauty that God created in the world. Job was saved because he surrendered to God's plan, and most of all surrendered to the faith that God would take care of him.

Since cancer is so hard to anticipate or control, often I have felt, and have heard others, question about why a person developed cancer. Why them? Why now? Further, since I have known several loved ones to suffer and even die from cancer, all within a short period of time, it is easy to start wondering why I am a part of this suffering.

It's just one of my crosses, I concluded today. I think I've known this a while, having been raised to believe in God's plan, but it was so simply described today. In Him, I can have help carrying this cross and someday, in the clear perspective of heaven, I'll understand why I was woven into so many others' cancer stories.

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